'artist'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2013.05.18 Travel Companion by ATARDECER
  2. 2013.04.23 Frida Kahlo by ATARDECER
  3. 2013.04.18 Antigua Artist by ATARDECER

Travel Companion

Viaje/Peru 2013. 5. 18. 00:18

A family looking at the sunset  Una Familia al Atrdecer

I liked it as soon as I saw this painting at Carolina's store and workplace as well. Everything was for me ; family, feelings of colour, its composition, their costume, flowers and Sunset. So I decided to get it. Since bought at Ayacucho in Peru, I traveled together all countries in Latin America I had been during last trip for almost-about 200 days. This is one of the pictures that Peruvian artist, Carolina, often drawn. She gave me great hospitality and became another teacher to talk with when I stayed in Ayacucho for learning Spanish language. The beautiful art work of the wonderful artist. Now this is hanging on my living room wall. 

페루 아야쿠초에서부터 내 여행을 함께 했던 카롤리나의 그림,

at Centro Cultural San Cristobal, Ayacucho, Peru around January 3, 2012.

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Frida Kahlo

Viaje/Mexico 2013. 4. 23. 00:52

Frida Kahro and Diego Rivera lived in this house 1929-1954

Diego and Frida on the stairway

프리다 칼로, 디에고 리베라 그리고 파란집

at Museo Frida Kahlo (Museum Frida Kahlo) in Mexico city, Mexico around June 28, 2012.

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Antigua Artist

Viaje/Guatemala 2013. 4. 18. 00:49

An artist on the street of Antigua


이름처럼 '오래된' 과테말라의 옛수도지만 도시전체가 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 지정된 만큼 골목골목이 모두 예뻤던 곳. 중남미의 여느 도시들처럼 주말이면 거리에서 그림을 그리는 예술가들을 볼 수 있지만 작고 아기자기한 안티구아의 매력 때문인지 더 잘 어울리는 것 같다. 지난 여행에서 두번째로 오래 머무르며 좋은 사람들을 많이 만났던 곳이라 더욱 기억에 남는 안티구아. by 글솜씨 없는

Antigua, all the alleys were as antique and beautiful as the whole city was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I had my second time to learn Spanish language for about 1 month during last trip. the photo above was taken around April 23, 2012.

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